ويكشف السوء تخاريف صباحية - نوستالجيا المشاعر... الداخلية المصرية تصدر بيانا بشأن مقتل رجل أعمال إسرائيلي بالإسكندرية دروس مستفادة من مؤتمر "معامل التأثير العربي التاسع" مصر تعلن زيادة 54% في السياحة الوافدة من الدول العربية مجموعة فنادق بارسيلو تستثمر ما يفوق 400 مليون دولار أميركي في تطوير استراتيجيتها التوسّعية العالمية مرصد صيني يكتشف 100 توهج للضوء الأبيض من الشمس اتحاد المعاهد الثقافية الأوروبية في مصر يستضيف اليوم "معرض صبأرت"
Business Middle East - Mebusiness

Hanan Abu Al-Diaa

Climate Crisis is War, Poverty, and Extremism

Temperatures are rising year after year; and unfortunately, everyone is in a deep slumber. The world needs a shock to retract from its self-satisfaction regarding the rising temperature of our planet and the unexpected impacts that will follow. Approximately 22 million people are displaced each year due to weather-related events. By 2050,

Artificial Intelligence Crimes

Artificial intelligence has sparked concern about the many ways new tools can be used for fraudulent purposes; from data breaches to phishing attacks, where scammers trick people into sharing passwords or sending money to an unknown account, cybercrime is already one of the most common forms of crime. The victims of cybercrime are numerous

"Intelligence Increase in Africa"

As the Russian semi-military organization, the Wagner Group, expands its presence in African countries, the Biden administration is pushing one of its valuable tactics, sharing sensitive intelligence information with allies in Africa in an attempt to dissuade countries from partnering with the group. This tactic serves the dual function of

"DeSantis"... Trump without Trump

Everyone around the world is closely following the preparations for the American elections with interest. The announcement of Biden's candidacy heats things up, contrary to expectations. Logic says: It is not normal for an 80-year-old man to attempt to run for office through another round of elections and a term. In fact, it is

Sudanese-style Horror

As hands are raised to the sky in supplication to God, so that the crisis in Sudan does not turn into a civil and street war between the army and the Rapid Support Forces; we must pay close attention to several points that every individual in the Arab nation must be aware of. What is happening now is not a sudden occurrence but the harvest of

Jafar Al-Omda, coming from the planet of Mohamed Sami

At a time when we praise the role of art as soft power day and night, Egyptian drama produces a high-cost series "Jafar Al-Omda." Director Mohamed Sami returns to his previous drama work by presenting a work written and directed by him. He introduces his usual combination of cartoon characters that only exist within his ideas, a